Saturday, 31 August 2013

Valerie ~ Goes Home

Sweet little Virginia has found a new family and gone off home.  Her new family love having her and that's got to be the best bit of my job, creating something that brings someone else happiness.

Friday, 30 August 2013

Sutton Coldfield - August 2013

Even though the weather was not the best as the recent Christines Doll and Teddy Fair in Sutton Coldfield, inside we had a lovely day,  great chance to chat and meet up with other dollmakers and get our gossip on.

Below are a selection of photos that I took on the day... Enjoy!

gloriarty's Sutton Coldfield Aug 2013 album on Photobucket

Thursday, 29 August 2013

WIP ~ Virginia

Currently as a Work In Progress is Virginia, still waiting for her hair though, I am thinking medium brown kid mohair from Slumberland... but even bald she is adorable!

Virginia is reborn from a Cassie Brace Hattie kit and I have to admit to being in love with this gorgeous little mite.  

Bring on the hair eh!

If you fancy this little one and want to buy her but would prefer different hair, let me know before I start rooting. 

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Bruge Doll Show - August 2013

 photo 9230ea39-fc6a-400d-b418-96ed6caf62d3_zps5e15684e.jpgA year ago I booked to go to my first ever overseas doll show, seemed like a good idea at the time!  And you know what, it was a fantastic idea.  It was really hard work, kinda terrifying driving onto a ferry, another first for me and even more terrifying driving across two countries to get there... ok bit of an exaggeration there, two bits of two countries.   But I did it and to be honest it was quite a liberating experience, made me realise actually I am much braver than I thought I was.

 photo IMG_3641_zpsae086026.jpgA good friend of mine, Morny, stepped in at the last moment to come with me and saved my bacon.  We had a blast, we laughed so much during the trip there, we sang to loud pop music and we generally put the world to rights.  Morny for Prime Minister!!!

After a very very early start and a long... but fun... drive we arrived in the fantastically beautiful ancient city of Bruge, although let me tell you, the one way system is a BITCH!!!

We went around the city one way system 3 times.... all three times we found the venue and the hotel but couldn't approach it as we were being wildly gesticulated at by people telling us we couldn't approach the venue, "no cars allowed"!   Eventually we just thought sod this and approached anyway and finally arrived at the destination. 

Ceinwen (my partner in crime) and her husband were already half assembled when we arrived and from there on in the weekend was just a blur of doll show, faces and laughter.

I took a lot of photos of the show and the city so I hope you take a moment to watch the slideshow and enjoy some of my moments from the weekend.

gloriarty's Bruge August 2013 album on Photobucket

Catch up!

Been quite a while since I last blogged, it's been a difficult few months for me on a personal level,  its funny how when your personal life falls apart the only thing that really keeps you going... well me at least, is doing things with my hands, even when my mind is shot to hell my hands need to be moving, creating, doing!

So the thing that has kept me going has been making my dolls and creating new clothing and accessories to go with them, I think I might have ended up in a nut house if not for that, well that and the support of my friends in the doll community.

So I have a lot to blog about over the next few posts,  it's all stuff that's happened in the last few months, new dolls, works in progress, shows... but I am pulling it together and getting back on track!